I wanted to sleep in this morning. It's a rare treat to do that! But, I have some mischievous critters who live in my back yard who didn't think that sleeping in was an option. SQUIRRELS! There is a family of about six or seven of the little rodents who are so adorable that it is difficult to be upset with them.
Because the weather has been so nice and because I love fresh air (as opposed to air conditioning) I have had the windows open round the clock. Turning over early this morning, my sleepy self was aware that the sun had come up and that the birds were chirping. But I thought I could get another hour of sleep...
And I did manage to drift back to sleep but not for long! CLANK! CLANK! CLANK!
"What on earth...?" I wondered.
Again I wondered about the strange sound - an almost rhythmic sound - that was wafting in the window.
My curiosity got the better of me. Besides, I was now wide awake and all hopes of sleeping in this morning were gone. After setting the coffee pot to brew, I opened the sliders which look out onto the back yard only to discover that the clanking noise was the sound of squirrels enjoying a picnic in nature's playground.
Last fall I had placed a squirrel feeder on a distant tree and on another tree, I hung a cob holder. All winter long I have diligently kept the feeder and the cob holder well stocked. Now that spring is here, I continue to feed the squirrels so that they do not venture up to the porch and scare away the birds who find their dining pleasure near the back door.
(here's a picture of Caleb feeding the squirrels on a visit a few weeks ago)
Squirrels are solitary diners. Apparently they do not enjoy the company of others or squirrel-conversation while dining. But this family of squirrels manage to be playful and polite -- all the while being quite entertaining for me (and my kitties Callee and Maggie).
At first glance, there were no squirrels in sight... and the source of the clank was nowhere to be seen. But, after a few minutes of gazing out into the yard, slowly and deliberately the lid of the feeder opened and out popped the head of one of the squirrels. He leaned over the edge, the lower half of his body still in the feeder. With his little paws out over the edge he proceeded to remove the shell from a peanut and lean into his paws to pop it into his mouth. After a few quick chews he disappeared back into the feeder and the lid clanked shut.

(these squirrels are a bit camera shy so the pictures are taken through the slider screen and hence a bit grainy but if you look closely you can see him right there in the middle of the feeder with the lid resting on his head)
This went on for a few minutes. Then, in a playful game of "gotcha" two of the squirrel brothers decided that this one had had enough and it was their turn! One scurried up the tree and approached from the right side of the feeder while the other scrambled down the left side of the tree from a branch above. As the two headed directly toward the feeder, their hungry brother popped his head out of the feeder as he had done so many times before. But, upon seeing the other two, he bolted out and up the tree.

I watched him make his way out onto the tip of a long tree limb where he seemed to blow in the breeze right along with the wispy branches. And then I turned my attention to the other two. One was no where to be found while the other decided that enough goodies had been tossed overboard that he could sit comfortably in the shade of the tree and feast without all of that clanking.

Sipping on coffee I found myself highly entertained by the shenanigans of the squirrel family and once again in awe of nature's ways.