Did you know that the fastest way to get to Tennessee is by cloud 9? Or so it seems to me this morning!

Yesterday I got a life-changing call. The call I have been dreaming of and wishing for for quite a while now...
"My new best friend Jim the Recruiter" called to say that the hospital in Kingsport TN has offered me the travel nurse position. Do I even need to tell you, my dear readers, what my answer was? Of course not! I said "Yes" - with barely a second thought! The answer was out of my mouth before I even had the time to really process what was happening.
Only after I hung up did I actually FEEL the impact of that phone call. Heart pounding out of my chest, joy rushing through my veins, mind racing with any number of thoughts, tears of happiness trying to surface. But wait! I was at work - at the job I am trying to put behind me.... Quickly, somehow or other, I put myself in check and carried on with "business as usual" But, believe me it was NOT easy!
I could barely contain myself. I wanted to open the window and announce it to the rest of the world "I'm going to TN soon!" But, I couldn't. I had to act like nothing had changed. And I have to continue to do so for another day or two at least. Until I get an actual start date, I cannot plan my departure from Florida. And until I know that, I cannot give my notice at my present job.
Do you think I am going to be able to cover up my joy? Doubtful. I am going to have to dig deep and find some of those acting skills I used in high school plays so many years ago... at least for the time being.
But, even while acting the part at work today, my feet will NOT be firmly planted on the ground - for I am floating on Cloud 9 and my heart is already in TN - because Caleb is already in TN.
When I stop to think that in a matter of a month or less I will be in the same state as (within an hour's drive from) Caleb AND be in a place that will allow me to experience Mother Nature's splendor this autumn it is almost more than I can stand! It seems too good to be true - but this time it IS true! Proof that dreams DO come true and that good things come to those who wait... And boy have I been dreaming and waiting! Now I am about to start living - like I have never lived before! I hope you'll share in that life with me! Stay tuned for the next chapter in my new story.

** Can you find Kingsport on the map above? Right up there on the northeastern state line... right near Virginia... "Nestled in the Great Smoky and Appalachian Mtns" that's what the website had to say about it... And so, I am about to be nestled in those mountains as well! I can't wait!
1 comment:
Can't wait to come visit and be nestled in those Tennessee mountains myself--shuffling through fall leaves with you. And maybe this time, I can meet Caleb??
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