I snapped these two brightly colored fallen leaves to document my first glimpse of Tennessee fall...

Fast forward to a week or so later. Now the signs of fall are much more prominent. Even here in the valley I can see Mother Nature's artwork coming to life. And, from a distance there are more than a few colorful trees to admire.
Today it really felt like fall! Actually it was one of those "Winnie the Pooh Blustery Days" The wind was brisk and chilly. And, as I made my way down the nature trail (again at Bays Mountain) I found myself thinking "My goodness! It's raining leaves!" They were drifting down from the highest branches and any little gust of wind caused the ones on the ground to swirl and dance playfully at my feet.
Sitting on the exact same bench along the trail I looked down and couldn't help but snap this picture to document that in a week's time, so much has changed! Where once there was a lone leaf and lots of bare ground it is now impossible to see the path for all of the leaves!
The crisp air, the fall leaves, the quiet of the mountain forest... a perfect setting to sit quietly and savor the moment. I am here in the midst of autumn's splendor for the first time in 30 years. This is exactly what I have longed for - it is the root of that "homesick" feeling that I have been trying to describe to people for the past few years. Today's jaunt to the mountain has reinforced what I have already figured out - my heart has come home and my soul has found peace.
When we are able to connect the landscape of our heart with the landscape of our reality, we have indeed been given a blessed gift.
For spiraling leaves, the crunchy sound they make under our feet, cool breezes, the scent of wood smoke and joy in the simple wonders of the day.
Blessings, Marti
Yes, Lee! At last your heart has come HOME, home to what you have been longing for for years! Congratulations on the changes your are making in your life...and ENJOY!! --Judy
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