I also thought that I'd be able to have Caleb for a few of those five days. He'd be on spring break and we'd be able to do a sleep-over at Nan's house and a few fun things. Right? Wrong!
He is on spring break. That is true. We cannot do a sleep-over at Nan's though. So, with not one but two huge disappointments to kick off my long weekend, I wondered "what's a gal to do with a five day weekend?"
Even though I wasn't able to have Caleb for any overnights (His dad and step-mom had plans for every single day that I was off and available - plans that included Caleb and that he reportedly couldn't miss) I did manage to arrange an afternoon with him. So, on Thursday I headed down the mountain highways - Smoky Mountain bound... The road from Kingsport to Sevierville is mostly ribbons of winding road cut through centuries-old mountain ranges. The scenery is beautiful any time of year. But it was especially delightful on this beautiful spring day. Trees in shades of pink and purple sprouted from crevices in the mountains. An amazing sight to behold indeed. Blue skies and puffy clouds seem bluer and higher when driving on these roads. And I find myself contemplating the fact that I can see for miles and miles - and that the mountain ranges go on for even more miles than that.
And so, shortly before lunchtime I arrived in Sevierville and picked up my "date" - a total prince of a guy. Charming in every way with a smile that can melt my heart in an instant and sparkling blue eyes that reflect the joy that is Caleb.
"What would you like to do?" I ask.
"Mmmmmm - go to TGIFriday's for lunch?" He asks more than tells - in the cute way only a six year old can do.
So, off to TGIFriday's we go. I already know what he'll order but he is quick to remind me that this is the place that has his favorite dessert - " A Cup of Dirt" - chocolate pudding with crumbled oreo cookies and gummy worms.
"M-m-m-m good, " he says -- and if he says so, then I guess it must be true!
It is such a glorious spring day that I want to find something to do outside after lunch. And Caleb knows just the perfect activity for a springtime date with Nan - "Let's go golfing, Nan!" he announces.
Now, wildlife in the mountains of Tennessee is unique but I don't believe that crocodiles are among the creatures that are indiginous to this area. But, along the main road of Sevierville/Pigeon Forge you can go crocodile hunting - in Crocodile Lagoon and along Crocodile Lake ... if you're inclined to enjoy an afternoon of hitting a colorful little ball with a stick.
Caleb loved every minute of the 18 holes of mini-golf. I loved every minute of my time with Caleb. Watching him delight in the small things brings such joy. His smile is contagious. His laughter fills my heart to overflowing. And his energy is never ending... it sparks me on despite the fact that I worked two fifteen hour days before today (NOT by choice, I can assure you!)
Along the mini-golf course, we were greeted by all nature of 'critters' -- not the mountain critters that I would expect to find here (you know - bears and mountain lions and such) Instead, the golf course is sunny and bright. It is decorated with huge shade trees, huts, and wild animals: elephants, giraffes, hippos and of course the crocodiles for which the lagoon and lake courses are named.

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