If someone had told me that becoming a writer or a mixed medium artist would alter the way I saw and experienced reading and art, I would have laughed at the thought! And if I had been told that, in fact, I would experience my whole world through a new set of eyes and ears, I know I would have dismissed the idea in no time at all.
But... 'tis true indeed! When I began writing in earnest, I discovered that I was still a voracious reader. But, my choice of reading materials has changed. And worse(or perhaps it's better?), my "writer's eyes and ears" are in overdrive throughout most of my reading experiences. I search for voice and place in each book. With little to no effort, I find myself picking up on errors in syntax, grammar and spelling.
Likewise, my favorite "public pasttime" of people-watching took on new meaning once I began writing. I listen to the way people communicate with one another. I watch body language. I memorize physical characteristics and mannerisms... All in an effort to become an observer of the obvious and the subtle differences in people -- so that my characters will one day be real... alive... vibrant.
A walk in the park or along the beach is a delight for the five senses ... I find gifts of Mother Nature that lend themselves to my art. I see, hear, smell and feel things that weave their way into my stories: the feel of the ocean breeze, the smell of spring rain, the shrill cry of the gulls, the colors of the rainbow. Life is more alive and every ounce of me is aware of that as I walk. No matter how many times I walk the same path, each time is a new experience that holds the potential for more story lines or artistic renderings.
When I became involved in creating SoulCollage cards and doing altered books, my artistic eye changed from an admirer to a "dreamer and a do-er". A trip to the craft store for one item now finds me always alert to new items or concepts that might be tried in one of my altered books. A stroll through the fabric store has me spending most of my time admiring and/or choosing unique ribbons or buttons for embellishment of my art.
Visits to the used book stores now become adventures for not only reading but for art use as well. My grandmother would shudder at the thought of my altered book activites. "Books are our friends." "We never ever turn down the corner of a book or write in a book." How many times did I hear those comments as I was growing up? Now, I look for books to turn into works of art. But, let me say right here and now that I do not take books that have value and life in them and destroy them... I rescue books that are doomed for the dumpster and revive them! So, Gramm can rest in peace and I can do my art in peace and the world is a happier place for it!
And forget EVER viewing a magazine in the same fashion ever again! Now, as I read a journal or magazine, I do so once for the content that is of interest to me. But that experience is only a prelude to the time I spend reviewing the images in the magazines -- looking for the one or two that seem to jump off the page. Sometimes they speak to me immediately and I know exactly what I am to do with them. Sometimes, they capture my attention or my imagination and I have no earthly idea how or when they will come in handy. All I know is that I cannot let them go by the wayside. Who could have guessed that I would one day find it necessary to have a pair of scissors handy each time I sat down with a magazine? Certainly not I!
Today a friend asked me if all of this doesn't make my passions less enjoyable to me now. I guess she was thinking that these changes in how I approach life make what I love more like work and less like play. But, that is the farthest thing from the truth. In fact, the way I approach the books I read, the art I do, the trips to the art and fabric stores has made each of these more enjoyable ... more enriching... and best of all, it has opened up that creative spot in my soul that is a thirsty sponge waiting to soak up every ounce of creativity that comes its way. Maybe that is what passion is all about. I'd like to think so.
1 comment:
You are so right, Lee! I could not agree more! My life also has been so enriched by my art activities; an entire new dimension opened up, one I did not know existed. And I'm just in the early stages - I started in January of this year.
I wish you lots of enjoyment, luck, and love in life.
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