Maggie, a long haired domestic cat, was a little feral kitten when I brought her home. Those first few days had me thinking that I had made a huge mistake... That there was no taming of a feral cat...That I would have to make a decision between keeping a cat who didn't want to be near people or letting her go back into the wild (or give her to the animal shelter where she was sure to meet her demise as a feral cat).
But, after a few days of patience and hopefulness, Maggie climbed up into my lap and wormed her way into my heart. She has been the best little lap kitty I have ever owned. Her six years with me have been bliss for both of us! Short for Magpie, Maggie is appropriately named because she chatters constantly. Her role in my creative life is that of "My Kitty Muse"
When typing at the keyboard, Maggie is there to observe and keep me company. When searching for just the right images to create a SoulCollage card or do some altered book project, Maggie delights in being in the center of the papers, ribbons, and other colorful arts and crafts materials.
Callee (a combination of my name and that of my grandson, Caleb's and my pen name when I choose not to write as myself) was a gift when I was recouperating from the second surgery for melanoma - October 2004.
She had been found wandering the streets when she was barely old enough to be away from her mother. After a brief stay at the Emergency Pet Hospital where my daughter Mandy works, she was declared healthy and ready for a new home. Mandy thought perhaps the little siamese kitten was just the pick-me-up I needed at a very difficult time. Mandy was right - but Maggie didn't agree!
For nearly two years, the two cats have tolerated one another - barely. They share the same home and the same human mom but that has been the extent of their willingness to be 'together' -- until today! I happened upon a very unusal and delightful sight just a bit ago and was fortunate enough to grab a shot of it before they change their minds about this thing called togetherness.

Here they are, curled up on top of the recliner -- not bothered by their close proximity for the first time ever! I didn't think I'd ever see them this close unless they were wrestling or hissing at one another.
Maybe the lazy rainy day has them feeling as mellow as I feel. Maybe the fact that I have been playing music and doing all manner of creative work today has added an air of contentment to the house. Perhaps they have finally figured out what I have tried to teach them all along -- They really are fine together. They each are sweet in their own way. They both mean the world to me. And, it is okay to curl up and be lazy together. That's what rainy Saturdays were made for afterall!
Your "girls" remind me of my daughters girls, Charcole and Frisky. One named so aptly but the other, Frisky, anything but. Every morning, shy little black and white Frisky would sneak around until she could lay a paw on my knee as I read the morning paper. Every evening, around 9pm she would repeat this procedure only this time, going to my daughter Shelley (Frisky was her cat) and telling her that it was time for bed.
In praise of absent but not forgotten pets, Marti
Love the cats. I have two feral cats that I brought in as kittens last spring. They have been a delightful challenge. If there is something to be knocked over they will find it immediately. Kinda limits the possibilities of your interior decor. Love you blog. You're my inspiration.
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